Get the Active Developer Badge in under 5 minutes by creating your bot on BotGhost. No coding required - just click, customize, and launch your bot in minutes.
Follow these simple steps to get your Active Developer Badge in under 5 minutes
Head to the Discord Developer Portal and click 'New Application'. Name your bot, accept the Terms of Service and Developer Policy, then click Create.
Click 'Bot' in the left menu, then 'Add Bot'. Click 'Reset Token' to get your bot's token - keep this safe and don't share it with anyone!
Head to the BotGhost dashboard and follow the instructions to link your bot to BotGhost. Paste in your bot's token and click 'Create Bot'.
In the BotGhost dashboard, find and enable the Active Developer Badge module. Make sure the command toggle is enabled and save changes.
You can also enable the module by clicking 'Modules' in the left menu, then 'Active Developer Badge'.
Click 'Invite' in the left menu to add your bot to a server. Use the /activedevbadge command in any channel - you should get a success message.
Wait 24 hours, then visit the Active Developer Badge page. Select your bot, set up a community server as support server, and claim your badge!
Whether you're new to Discord or have plenty of experience, our team creates tutorials and resources to help you get rolling on your server. Check out our tutorials and get started today!
Get the Active Developer Badge in under 5 minutes by hosting your bot on BotGhost. No coding required - just click, customize, and launch your bot in minutes.
Get the exclusive Discord Active Developer Badge in under 5 minutes. No coding required - just enable our module and run a command.
Enable the Active Developer Badge module with a single click. We handle all the technical requirements for you.
Our system automatically verifies your slash command usage and prepares your bot for badge eligibility.
Follow our simple guide to get your badge. We'll walk you through every step of the process.
Join our active Discord community for help with setting up your bot and claiming your badge. Our support team is available 24/7.
Get your Active Developer Badge completely free. No hidden fees, no credit card required - just create your bot and claim your badge.
Learn how to get the Active Developer Badge in under 5 minutes
Get started with BotGhost and claim your Active Developer Badge in minutes