How to Change your (Account) Age on Discord [2023]

This article will guide you through the process of changing your Discord account age on both PC and mobile devices. So, whether you're on your computer or on the go, we've got you covered. Read on to learn everything you need to know about changing your Discord age.

How to Change your (Account) Age on Discord [2023]
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If you're looking for a way to change your age on Discord, you're not alone. Discord is a popular chat platform used by millions of people around the world, and your age plays an important role in your account settings. Whether you entered the wrong age during registration or simply want to update your account with your current age, it's easy to change your age on Discord.
In this article, we'll walk you through the process of how to change your age on Discord step-by-step. But first, let's talk about why your age is important on Discord and how it's applied.
Your age on Discord is used to determine what kind of content you can access and what features are available to you. If you're under 18 years old, for example, you may not be able to access certain channels or participate in certain activities on the platform. By accurately representing your age on Discord, you can ensure that you have access to the features and content that are appropriate for you.
So, if you're ready to learn how to change your age on Discord, keep reading. We'll guide you through the process and help you update your account information in just a few easy steps.

How to change your age

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Step 2: From the "What can we help you with?" page, select "Trust & Safety" as the category.
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Step 3: Enter your email address. If your logged in this will be entered for you.
Step 4: Select "Appeals, age update, other questions" as the subcategory.
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Step 5: Under Appeals, age update, or other questions select “Update my age information”
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Step 6: (Optional) Confirm that you have read the ToS (If I verified my account with an email address, then email address I provided above is the email address associated with my (or my teen's) Discord account. If I verified my account with a phone number, then the phone number I provided above is the phone number associated with my (or my teen's) Discord account. I have attached a photo of myself holding 1) a photo ID which contains my date of birth and 2) a piece of paper with my (or my teen's) Discord username, using the Add File option below.)
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Step 7: (Optional) enter your phone number.
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Step 8: Enter your Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)
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Step 9: In the description field, explain that you need to change your age.
Step 10: Attach a photo of your government-issued ID showing your birthdate to verify your identity. Under the Attachments option.
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Step 11: Once you have filled out the form, click on the "Submit" button to submit your request.
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Can I change my age on Discord if I'm under 13?

No, Discord requires users to be at least 13 years old to use their platform. If your birthdate would make you younger than 13, you will not be able to change your age.

How many times can I change my age on Discord?

Discord limits the number of times you can change your birthdate, so make sure to double-check that the information you enter is accurate before saving your changes.

Can I change my age on Discord without logging in?

Yes, you can appeal via the online form without logging in.

How do I change my age on Discord if I forgot my password?

You will need to reset your password before you can log in and change your age. You can do this by clicking on the "Forgot your password?" link on the login screen and following the prompts.

Will changing my age on Discord affect my account in any way?

No, changing your age on Discord will not affect your account or any of your data in any way.

Can I change my age on Discord if I used a fake birthdate when signing up?

Yes, you can change your birthdate on Discord regardless of whether you used a fake birthdate when signing up.

How long does it take for my age to update on Discord after I change it?

It will take a few days to hear back form Discord regarding your name change request.

What should I do if I'm having trouble changing my age on Discord?

If you're having trouble changing your age on Discord, try logging out and back into your account or clearing your browser cache. If the issue persists, contact Discord support for assistance.

Do I need to verify my age to change it on Discord?

Yes, Discord does require you to verify your age to change it on their platform, if you need to change your age via the website form, you will need to provide a photo of your government-issued ID to verify your identity.

Can other users see my birthdate on Discord?

No, no one else can see your birthdate.

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